Two Pointers Technique

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Goal was, given a list of numbers, to find a pair (part I) or a triplet (part II) that adds up to 2020.

I did not expect anything complicated on the first day and implemented dumb \(\mathcal{O}(n^2)\) and \(\mathcal{O}(n^3)\) algorithms to compare every possible combination.

Unsurprisingly, it was enough since input had mere 200 numbers. For part I, it gives upper bound of \(\binom{200}{2} = 19\,900\) comparisons, and for part II – \(\binom{200}{3} = 1\,313\,400\). Both numbers are small enough for any modern machine. Especially when numbers are in random order which means that on average solution will be found in fewer steps.

Speaking of random order – I missed (now) obvious optimization. Sorted list of numbers requires only a single pass to find the solution! Walking from both sides of a list and narrowing range depending on whether current sum is smaller or bigger than target, would give solution in \(\mathcal{O}(n)\) time.

So first day was a success as I learned about Two Pointers Technique!