Advent of Code: Quick & Dirty Parsing

Password Philosophy

After a couple of AoCs I have an impression that quick and dirty parsing is usually the best approach: choosing correct separator for string splitting and converting strings to numbers covers most of the requirements.

(destructuring-bind (i j c password)
    (cl-ppcre:split "[- ]" "17-18 z: bzzzzxtzcxzjvzzlzbn")
  (list (parse-integer i) (parse-integer j) (char c 0) password))
(17 18 #\z "bzzzzxtzcxzjvzzlzbn")

Handy Haversacks

Even if input seems very human language like, I found regular expressions, or, even better, a well placed string split to be more than enough.

dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
light red bags contain 1 bright white bag.
faded blue bags contain no other bags.

When I saw this "chatty input", it was very tempting to use recursive pattern matching… So I did.

(defpackage :chatty-input-example
  (:use :cl :str :trivia)
  (:import-from :alexandria :compose))

(in-package :chatty-input-example)

(defun parse-chatty-words (words)
  (match words
    ((list* a b "bags" "contain" rest)
     (cons (list a b) (parse-chatty-words rest)))
    ((list* (read n) a b bags rest)
     (cons (cons (list a b) n)
	   (when (ends-with-p "," bags)
	     (parse-chatty-words rest))))
    ;; "no" "bags." and nil cases skipped.

(mapcar (compose #'parse-chatty-words #'words)
	(lines "dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
light red bags contain 1 bright white bag.
faded blue bags contain no other bags."))
((("dark" "orange") (("bright" "white") . 3) (("muted" "yellow") . 4))
 (("light" "red") (("bright" "white") . 1)) (("faded" "blue")))

Unnecessary complicated. Recursion is too powerful here. A start of LL parsing? It's easier to split on "bags contain".

(in-package :chatty-input-example)

(defun parse-n-bags (text)
  (multiple-value-bind (n end) (parse-integer text :junk-allowed t)
    (cons (subseq text (1+ end)) n)))

(defun parse-chatty-line (line)
  (destructuring-bind (l r) (split " bags contain " line)
    (cons l (unless (starts-with-p "no" r)
	      (mapcar #'parse-n-bags (cl-ppcre:split " bags?(.|, )" r))))))

(mapcar #'parse-chatty-line
	(lines "dark orange bags contain 3 bright white bags, 4 muted yellow bags.
light red bags contain 1 bright white bag.
faded blue bags contain no other bags."))
(("dark orange" ("bright white" . 3) ("muted yellow" . 4))
 ("light red" ("bright white" . 1)) ("faded blue"))

So let it be a reminder for myself to not overthink input parsing in online competitions.